Tuesday, 20 August 2013


I was in Malaysia when I receive these messages:

“He's always pursuing you. Just waiting for you to open the door.” She says.

“He loves you. He's just waiting for you to love Him back. Don't take Him for granted.”

It is quite unusual receiving these inspired Christian thoughts while I find myself in Kuala Lumpur. Having been influenced before by Buddhism ideologies I grew confused of various religions. Her messages somehow cause a discomfort inside me which continues to grow.

Two months after, I was in Thailand for a business summit. Seeing several Pagoda and Buddhist influenced structure is quite familiar. I was already acquainted with Buddhism when I was in Vietnam so somehow the atmosphere in Thailand didn’t bother me.

However, I’m quite frustrated by the thought that while almost every street in Bangkok have images of God’s like Ganesh and Shiva, each of the corner street also has an alley leading to areas where you can find flickering white lights and some odd looking young girls wearing almost naked attire. This can be seen by everyone who walks at night and it is quite puzzling. I got confused. A kingdom founded on Buddhism ideologies now suffering in moral decay.

I continue my search and started coming to church again with my parents. There were instances when I was also led to go to St. Francis Square to attend my first CCF. At the end of the service, I was guided to a room where a man was seated ready to explain to new comers about Christian faith. At first I was adamant, telling him that I know Christianity already but something he said struck me.

“I had a son who died a believer. He was very active in church and a leader in one of the discussion groups. At first I questioned God why this happened even questioned my Faith. But then He answered that my son died of natural cause (dengue) while His son had to die to save men from their sins. I felt overwhelmed and embarrassed. I remain faithful to Him and He has given me two more sons who are both actively serving this church.”

After this, I felt uneasy. I can die anytime but if I haven’t accepted Christ then I would not be saved. Perhaps God has an elaborative plan for each one of us. So for selfish reason, I accepted Christ again. For fear of being condemned.  But even for selfishness, it was the first step for me to come back to Him.

I know my search is not yet over, in fact it just began. Every day I am surrounded with temptations and trials, but I know now that Christ is my refuge and through Him I will conquer all. For Him I surrender.


We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Cor. 10:5)

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. (Mark 10:45)

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